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OTP Leasing and Utilben – Together we build the future of your business!

OTP Leasing and Utilben – Together we build the future of your business!

OTP Leasing, in partnership with Utilben, one of the leading companies working in construction machinery and infrastructure and agriculture equipment, is launching a new offer for you and your business!

Between April and December 2021, you can purchase construction equipment in financial leasing, on advantageous terms:

  • Advance from 15%
  • Interest from 3.49%
  • Fee for the granting 1.99%
  • Period of up to 5 years of funding


For any construction machinery up to 5 years old, you can choose a financial leasing period of 5 years. The offer is intended exclusively for legal persons (including PFA) who conclude a new financial leasing contract for the purchase of construction equipment offered by Utilben Romania.

The grant of financing for the goods referred to is conditional on the valid conclusion of a lease and on the proper fulfillment of the bonds referred to in the financing and verification documents of OTP Leasing Romania IFN SA.

The agricultural machinery available through this campaign are: tractors, agricultural combines and telescopic chargers. For combine and tractors the maximum number of hours on purchase is 1,000 – 1,200 hours/year.


To find out more and request an offer, please contact:

Dan Păsculescu

Relationship Manager OTP Leasing România



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