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MKOR study - Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on the lives of Romanians 2020

For most Romanians, the Coronavirus epidemic means a radical change in lifestyle, perceptions of life in general and a reconsideration of personal values.

In the latest MKOR study, you can track the impact of the Coronavirus epidemic in Romania and the attitudes of the population related to these changes:

  • Social distance
  • Everyday habits
  • Buying Habits
  • Personal values
  • Working from home
  • Economic impact


Social distance

The limitation of the possibility of free movement is felt by 69% of Romanians and has led to the change of personal plans (44%) (18%), especially those related to travel.


Everyday habits

Almost all Romanians (98%) changed their daily habits in response to the Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19). During this period, 82% wash and disinfect their hands more often, and 75% avoid public spaces, going out only for roads of strict necessity. Moreover, 46% of people take extra precautions, choosing to wear a mask and gloves when they leave the house. 


Buying Habits

Behaviour changes are also reflected in purchasing habits, with almost half of Romanians choosing to reduce spending to a minimum (49%), thinking twice before making an expense (42%). In addition, 30% are going to online shopping these days, more than they did before the Coronavirus outbreak. About 1 in 4 people have secured supplies of food and other basic products for this period.


Personal values

The Coronavirus epidemic also has a positive impact, in the sense that more Romanians show more care towards friends and family (37%) or spend more time with children (25%).


Working from home

For more than half (56%) among Romanians who have a job, working from home is not possible because of the specifics of the work they do. After the outbreak of COVID-19, 34% of employees adapted their way of working, choosing to work from home, either partially (22%) or in full (12%). They are joined by another 9%, who used to work from home and before.


Economic impact

Almost 1 in 4 people have already suffered a reduction in their income. Moreover, 19% of the working population came at risk during this period, following temporary suspension of employment (8%), technical unemployment (7%) or even loss of employment (4%).


Sociological perspective on the study


According to the MKOR study, social distance is strongly understood, respected and encouraged by Romanians. However, people are aware of the impact on human relationships, and the radical change in routine leads to a state of confusion and shock for them.

Awareness of the crisis to come leads individuals to question financial stability and to give up the small treats that many were used to (going to the mall, to the salon, city-breaks or holidays). The priority now becomes daily living with its needs.

The importance of the present is at the top of the list of priorities, with time spent with family and close people, their health and well-being being the most important things.

"We are convinced that this kind of understanding of the impact of social distance will leave traces in the collective mind and in the consumer society, as we know it. And our role as researchers is to better reflect these changes so that the authorities, companies and people can make informed decisions for the future." noted Corina Cimpoca, founder of MKOR Consulting.

The study can be downloaded completely from here.

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